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Webinar: How to Build Student Self-Regulation, Motivation and Resilience in Before/After School Programming

Self-regulation and resilience form the foundation all students need for learning and for life, helping them engage and succeed.

Learn how to help PreK-8 learners develop the critical skills to take charge of their thoughts, emotions and behaviors by embedding self-regulation and resilience programming into Before/After School Care.

Watch this 30 minute webinar giving an overview of EmpowerU’s Before/After School Resilience, Motivation and Self-Regulation Program that's designed to help K-8 students have structured and focused time to learn the critical self-regulation skills that help them take charge of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Attendees will leave with an understanding of:

•  Why self-regulation is a key driver of student success

•  How EmpowerU's flexible daily/weekly delivery of lessons can fit into any after school schedule or format

•  How EmpowerU's turnkey programs are easy to implement requiring no heavy lift from staff 

•  Expected student outcomes of increased attendance, motivation, and academic success

Katie Dorn, MFT, LSC

CEO and Co-Founder of EmpowerU

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