Webinar Headers (12)

Learning Session: Teaching Self-Regulation Ignites Student Success

For some students, self-doubt and anxiety continue to fuel school avoidance and behavior issues. We know they need to reengage, but staff time to provide daily personal coaching to students who are resisting returning to school is just not an option for most districts.

At EmpowerU, we believe no matter how much a student’s behavior says otherwise, being stuck in a place of school avoidance means they do need support. Our highly personalized Tier 1 and 2 solutions expand your school’s capacity to meet these urgent post-pandemic needs.

Join us for this 20 minute learning session to learn how EmpowerU can be seamlessly integrated into your existing school structure and programs to reach students and give them skills for self-regulation that lead to personal and academic success. 

We know times are busy, and caffeine is a necessity. As a token of appreciation you will receive a $5 Coffee Gift Card for attending.

Katie Dorn, MFT, LSC

CEO and Co-Founder of EmpowerU

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Option 1 (2)-Sep-12-2022-05-42-28-23-PM
Option 1-Sep-12-2022-05-42-28-23-PM